So nice to discover your writings. I wish I could actually give you a hug rn. 🥹
I truly understand to an extent how you must feel about losing your mum especially with the circumstances surrounding it. I also lost mine in March of 2020 tragically and it wasn’t the easiest of things. I hope you find immense joy and peace as the days go by. ❤️
Meanwhile, I’m so looking forward to more of your posts too, you seem interesting and i can’t wait to see more of that. Take care. x Dami. 🥰
Aww thank you so much Dami. Your kind words mean the world to me and I am so sorry that you’ve also lost your mum. My heart goes out to you. ❤️ Thank you for the taking the time to read my post and for becoming my very first subscriber! I look forward to sharing more posts soon and keeping in touch 🥰 Lots of love, Chloe x
Thank you for writing this Chloe! I have enjoyed every single word and cannot wait for another article! Keep on going! Big hug!
Thank you so so much! ❤️
Hi Chloe! 🌸
So nice to discover your writings. I wish I could actually give you a hug rn. 🥹
I truly understand to an extent how you must feel about losing your mum especially with the circumstances surrounding it. I also lost mine in March of 2020 tragically and it wasn’t the easiest of things. I hope you find immense joy and peace as the days go by. ❤️
Meanwhile, I’m so looking forward to more of your posts too, you seem interesting and i can’t wait to see more of that. Take care. x Dami. 🥰
Aww thank you so much Dami. Your kind words mean the world to me and I am so sorry that you’ve also lost your mum. My heart goes out to you. ❤️ Thank you for the taking the time to read my post and for becoming my very first subscriber! I look forward to sharing more posts soon and keeping in touch 🥰 Lots of love, Chloe x
It’s my pleasure! 🥹❤️
And thank you too✨
Glad I was your first subscriber though 😄🫶🏽