The Stories of Us

Hello and welcome to The Stories of Us! Here l will share my experiences and thoughts on narcissistic mothers, mixed-race identity, grief and hope. 

About me

I am a freelance features writer focusing on the experiences of Black communities and topics such as mental health, women’s health and motherhood.

What to expect

The Stories of Us will delve into taboo topics, detailing all the ways in which a narcissistic upbringing, racism, grief and patriarchy can shape us. I will share stories from my own personal history, alongside the stories of others - they will be The Stories of Us! 

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading The Stories of Us and thank you so much for being here.

Chloe x

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Experiences and thoughts on narcissism, race, identity, mental health, women's health, motherhood, grief and hope.


A freelance features writer who focusses on representing the experiences of Black and mixed-race women in the UK. Other key topics covered include mental health, women's health and motherhood. Author of the substack - The Stories of Us.